
Last time I wrote, I talked a bit about the judging that will take place as part of the writing competition. Well, this week, I have some good news! A great group of volunteers from within the press has stepped up to serve as our judging panel. Rachel and I both are very excited to work with these fabulous people (and extremely grateful for their time and help). That’s the thing about Ooligan—when something needs to get done, it usually requires a combined effort and people willing to donate some time to projects outside of their own area of concentration. It takes a village, right? I, for one, am thankful for this particular village and its contribution to making the William Stafford Project a success.

We’ll be meeting with our volunteers next term to go over details, such as what we’re looking for in winning submissions, and then judging will commence mid-May. It’ll be here sooner than you (and we) think!

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