

I’m a relative newcomer to The Ocean in My Ears and its project team, having taken over from the inimitable Margaret Henry. As such, I bring a fresh perspective to the project, but I also had a lot of catching up to do. Thankfully, the merits of The Ocean in My Ears, the enthusiasm of its author, Meagan Macvie, and Margaret’s impressive foresight have made this an easy project to fall in love with and get excited for.

I’m coming into this project with much of the work completed: the book has been proofread, galleys have been ordered, and much of the marketing and social media strategies have been planned out. My job, mostly, is to implement. YA novels are a great place to be right now, and The Ocean in My Ears brings fresh new ideas and content to the genre. This, plus its 1990s and Alaskan setting, gives our team some really fun opportunities for social media and marketing. SweeTarts, hairspray, jean skirts, and scrunchies abound in this novel, and we’re hoping to bring that 90s feel into our social media posts. We also are wanting to bring attention to its unique setting: small town Soldotna, Alaska. Be prepared for pictures of gorgeous vistas, snowy scenes, and dipnetting upcoming on our social media pages.

We’re also lucky that the novel itself is a treasure trove of hilarious lines, mostly from its protagonist, 17-year-old Meri Miller. For example: “Alaska’s like two thousand miles away from anywhere cultured. No offense, Canada.” Keep an eye on Ooligan’s social media profiles this summer and fall to hear more about the upcoming The Ocean in My Ears.

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