

Editing Poetry: A Look at The Sonnet

Is this a typo or is it just poetry? Editing poetry can appear so daunting at times because of this infamous question. Everything within a poem can seem intentional. From two em dashes in a row to a misspelled word, it can be hard to decipher what’s needed and what isn’t. However, there are poetry rules of thumb that make it a little easier to navigate a poem.


How Audiobooks Make it to Your Favorite Platforms

Rights holders, a term used to describe the person or publishing company with the rights to an audiobook, may choose one distributor over another for various reasons. It may be that the distributor offers the full production and distribution package, that their royalty rates are higher than those of their competitors, or that their audiobooks are accessible on different platforms than their competitors.


Sensational Reading: Judging a Book by Its Color

Think of book design like giving a gift. The wrapping paper or gift bag you use to conceal the contents will affect how excited the person receiving the gift will be to discover what is inside. These visual influences are psychologically conditioned in our brains from early childhood that either draw us towards what we typically like or alert us to avoid the undesirable.

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