After a bustling first week of classes, there has been little rest for the Ninth Day team.
Last weekend, Ruth made her debut appearance for this title in a smash-hit performance with Francesca Lia Block Saturday morning at Wordstock. As mentioned in the last post, Ruth came prepared with a powerpoint, props, and even a costume change, inspiring a rousing question-and-answer period that lasted until the very end of her allotted time slot. Afterward, she signed books for local and out-of-town fans alike.
Ruth then spent Tuesday morning signing books for booksellers at PNBA. Always the busy author, Ruth will be making several appearances in the near future. Next up is a presentation at theLincoln County Historical Society in Newport, OR on Saturday, October 19.
On the Ooligan side of things, we are still ironing out the launch party details (there will be trivia!) and finalizing the ebook so that it is also ready to go as soon as the print book hits the stores. As I mentioned last week, the Ninth Day team is also getting together to design the final pieces of collateral to have in time for the official launch: Ruth will be reading at Powell’s Books at Cedar Hill Crossing on Friday, November 15 at 7 p.m. We look forward to seeing you there for a fabulous night of celebration!