
Greetings readers,

This week has been an exciting and challenging one for us here at Ooligan Press. We are assembling materials and information for our next We Belong in History launch party. Here’s the scoop: the next event party will be in conjunction with the Vancouver Barnes and Noble Stafford event on January 28 at 7:00 p.m. The poetry group discussion will be led by guest authors Leah Stenson and Shelley Reece and will feature We Belong in History. We’d love to see you at the event, where you can pick up your own copy of We Belong in History and read along.

Speaking of cool bookstores and poetry, Broadway Books will host another We Belong in Historyevent on February 12 at 7:00 p.m. Admission is free, so head over if you can! We will be hosting special guests Kim Stafford and Emily Kendal Frey, as well as some of the students that are anthologized in We Belong in History. We could not be more excited!

That’s all for this week cool kids.

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