

The November 2021 publication date for From Knowledge to Power: The Comprehensive Handbook to Climate Science and Advocacy is rapidly approaching, and we are busier than ever trying to get everything planned for a successful launch. We’ve made great progress since our spring update, and we are thrilled with the pace we’ve set.

Since our last update in May, we’ve reached out to professionals who might be interested in reading the book and writing a review. We’ve received several notable endorsements for the book, ranging from climate change experts to professors and even executive directors. Some of the praise we’ve received will be used as blurbs for the cover, and others will be used in the metadata for the book. We are continually reaching out for more reviewers, and we’re delighted with the praise we’ve already received.

You have probably noticed that Ooligan’s social media pages have been posting content about the book as well. Although the publication date is still months away, we hope to engage our audiences with the book’s content and get people excited about the launch. Because we want to ensure that the book illustrates the most recent and important information, we’ve also conducted more proofreads of the book and have been busy double-checking our references. The book is meant to serve as a tool for education and advocacy for various audiences, so our goal is to make the information as accessible as possible.

Our most noteworthy update is that the website for the book has launched. The author created the website to further discuss climate science and advocacy and to go more in-depth into the topics in the book. It’s a great place to educate yourself about climate change and what you can do for the environment. The website features excerpts and a glossary section that can be referenced when reading the book.

Recently our team has been working on social media promotion and marketing outreach. We will continue to work on these materials until the book’s publication date. Our curation of social media content and promotion will extend past the book’s publication date in hopes that readers and potential readers will remain excited about the book’s content. Our social media content is aimed towards various national environmental awareness days, and we hope to continue connecting these occasions with the relevant content of the book.

Our focus for the summer is to continue curating social media content and marketing materials. In the coming weeks, we will be discussing and planning the book launch, which we’re very excited about. The possibility of having an in-person book launch is exciting, and we’re more than eager to plan one that’s safe for everyone.

Overall, we’re making great progress and we’re counting down the days until the book launches. We hope that this book reaches climate scientists, advocates, and those who want to educate themselves about climate change. We couldn’t be more excited to share this book with the world.

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