
At the moment, The Ninth Day project manager team is waiting for work to come back from the departments. Bits of the project are being worked on in almost every group: Editing finished typecoding the manuscript and will be receiving back cover copy to edit any day now; Design is working on the back cover and spine while Robyn is plugging away on the interior; Marketing is hearing back from potential blurbers who want to read the manuscript and they are writing up a review request cover letter to be sent out next month; and we will be talking to Digital soon about metadata.

In terms of us managers, we are going to start constructing the marketing budget, taking into account the number of ARCs and collateral we’ll need. We are also brainstorming marketing ideas to be expanded upon in the summer.

Speaking of cool marketing ideas, Ruth has started a serialized story, which will continue during the summer, connecting Blue Thread and The Ninth Day. Check it out!

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