Whew! Ooligan Press has been busy over the last few weeks—hence the slight delay in this post. The bad news: this summer just keeps flying by! The good news: the excitement for We Belong in History is palpable. Here’s a brief recap of the major events that have taken place over the month of July for this anthology of William Stafford-inspired student poetry and prose:
- We’ve completed our pre-sales conference with Ingram Publisher Services.
- Our finalized cover, designed by the brilliant Lorna Nakell, has been unveiled here and on the Start-to-Finish homepage for the viewing pleasure of our dutiful followers.
- Our sales packets have been assembled and shipped to our representatives at Ingram.
- Some wonderful blurbs for the book are beginning to filter into our office. Tim Barnes, editor of Friends of William Stafford: A Newsletter for Poets & Poetry; Jeremy Downes, chair of the Department of English at Auburn University; the president for the National Federation of State Poetry Societies; and Kim Stafford, author of Early Morning: Remembering My Father, William Stafford,have all given us magnificent feedback for We Belong in History.
Our eyes have now turned to the year ahead of us as we begin planning for William Stafford’s centennial celebration. I am honored to announce that We Belong in History will be promoted at Oregon Reads 2014. We cannot wait.
Stay tuned for my next post on September 16.