
If someone had told me last quarter (my first as a graduate student and working at Ooligan press) that in a few short weeks I’d be project-managing a book, I would have laughed (nervously). All trepidation aside, though, I am thrilled to take on this project. As someone with an appreciation for poetry and an interest in teaching, the William Stafford project is in many ways a perfect fit for me.

I’ve entered the project at an exciting time; we’re currently promoting the writing contest, finding a panel of judges, and receiving actual submissions (and have somewhat missed out on the legwork of contacting a slew of teachers, libraries, and other organizations—something for which I’m both extremely grateful and indebted to my co-managers and everyone else at the press). I’m eager to get involved in promoting what I believe is a great way to get students to interact with and get excited about poetry, both by reading it and writing their own. I also feel honored to be a part of creating a tangible celebration of William Stafford’s legacy.

While I still feel very new to all of this, I’m looking forward to jumping in and learning (and learning and learning…).

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