

With just under four months left until Write to Publish (W2P), we’re still doing a ton of prep for the conference itself: filling our panels and workshops with speakers, starting our marketing and social media plans, and looking for more vendors as well as a sponsor. However, we’re also taking a little time to give some love to another of our projects—the annual Write to Publish Flash Fiction and Poetry Contests.

For our contests, we’re excited to be working with two lovely partners. The Masters Review, an online and print journal featuring new and emerging writers, is working with us to present the Flash Fiction Contest and is offering publication to the winner. The Timberline Review, a literary journal searching for bold new work from writers everywhere, is our partner for the Poetry Contest, with publication going to the winner of this contest as well. Other prizes for our winners include fifty dollars and free entry to Write to Publish, as well as the opportunity to read to W2P attendees during the conference’s lunch hour.

Submissions close on October 31, but in the meantime, we’ve been hard at work campaigning on social media and postering local businesses. As we get the word out, submissions are slowly rolling in, and we are looking forward to reading all the wonderful fiction and poetry submitted to us.

Moving forward, we’ll be focusing on finalizing designs and printing our W2P posters and postcards, doing some in-person advertising for the conference with classroom visits and tabling events, preparing a ton of social media content, and, of course, working with our partners to choose the lucky winners for both of our contests.

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