Greetings, readers:
This week at Ooligan Press, we are preparing our staff for the upcoming marketing blitz for We Belong in History. Teachers, students, lovers of good poetry, and William Stafford aficionados of all ages are already knocking at our door to reserve their copy.
I assigned work roles to my team during our first executive meeting this term. I am overjoyed to begin working with a new crop of outstanding individuals. With this talented team,We Belong in History is sure to be a success.
Since my last update, my team and I have been preparing the interior design for submission to our editing team. While this group reviews the final product, we will be sending out requests for galleys to our publishing partners. Soon, we will be mailing our review letters and galleys to media outlets.
Keep a lookout for our press’s table at the Oregon Council for Teachers of English (OCTE) this Saturday, October 5. Our director, Per Henningsgaard, will be there and ready to answer any questions you may have. We will also be at Wordstock that same Saturday and Sunday (October 5 and 6). There will be several students in attendance at both events, so make sure to stop by and hear all about what we’ve got in store for our forthcoming books.