Write to Publish is officially in the rear-view mirror, meaning Kellie’s and my big project for the year is done. Others will be taking up Write to Publish for next year soon, but for now we’ve been assigned to other odds and ends at the press.
One of those projects is the Backlist Sales Initiative. This project entails coming up with ideas for reviving the books in our backlist, putting them out in the world again, blowing off the dust, and finding them good homes with readers who will love them.
For this task, our team was assigned Alive at the Center, which is one of our many backlist poetry titles. Alive at the Center “aims to capture the thriving poetic atmosphere of the Pacific Northwest” while focusing on three cities: Portland, Seattle, and Vancouver, BC. You can learn more about the book here, and you can find it at Powell’s and Amazon.
April is National Poetry Month, which means a lot of events will be happening all around this lovely literary city of ours, so be sure to search around for a poetry event happening near you. Follow Ooligan Press on Twitter and Facebook to learn more about Alive at the Center. You might even catch a few videos of some of our amazing poets reading their work featured in the book. (Hint: You definitely will catch a few videos of some of our amazing poets reading their work, so be sure to find and follow our social media accounts!)