

Although The Ghosts Who Travel with Me isn’t coming out until June, there’s no time like the present to start reaching out to bookstores, literary festivals, and writers’ conferences to organize appearances for Allison. Many places book their events far in advance, so it’s imperative that we be on top of it so we can coordinate the book’s schedule with Allison’s appearances. There are various types of events we’re hoping to have: a launch party, probably in Seattle, for all of Allison’s friends, family, and supporters; readings at bookstores in Portland, Bellingham, San Francisco and more; participation in a reading series in Stanley, Idaho at the hotel she stayed at during the trip that inspired The Ghosts Who Travel with Me. We are looking forward to adding more events, and different types of events, to our roster—perhaps being on a panel at a conference, reading at more literary festivals, teaching a writing workshop. We want to showcase Allison’s myriad talents to as many people as we can, so we’re going to make sure she has plenty of opportunities to share her work. Setting up a successful event requires much more than simply booking a date. We will be contacting as much local media as possible in all of the cities we are planning events in. If people see a review of the book in the weekly, they’re much more likely to remember to come to a reading at the local bookstore the same week. Timing is everything. There will be plenty more event news coming up soon, so stay tuned!

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