Ruth has been editing since early January, and now the revisions are done! After the developmental editors went through the manuscript, they had a few suggestions to improve the characters and story of The Ninth Day. Based on these suggestions, Ruth has made some changes and a few additions to the novel.
Next, a team of Ooligan editors will be working with the manuscript on a mechanical level. They will concentrate on the grammar and syntax, rather than the major ideas and themes of the novel. Because we are producing The Ninth Day faster than we have any other book in the history of Ooligan Press, the copyeditors will only have a few weeks to do one of the most important jobs in the publishing process. Lucky for them, Ruth is an amazing writer—not only can she craft a story, but she can really work a sentence. Her writing is always clean, both efficient and effective.Kelsey and I will be waiting impatiently for the edits to be completed, since we have to start preparing sales kits before the term is over. We’ll explain these later, but the most important part of the sales kit is a sample of the novel itself. This will help the sales reps get to know The Ninth Day, so that they can turn around and tell bookstores about it.