Hello there, everyone.
It’s official. Sarah has turned over management of the team for Forgive Me If I’ve Told You This Before to me. I can’t thank her enough for keeping things on schedule and setting us up for success.
The beginning of our summer term has us moving into full-blown marketing and publicity mode. To that end, Ooligan Press associate and publicity guru Mary Bisbee-Beek has been brought on to help us maximize the potential for Karelia’s book.
With her help, we’re getting busy reaching out to a wide range of folks to potentially write reviews and blurbs for the book, as well as looking at all the possible awards that we think it may have a shot at winning.
On the production end, our editing lead, Katey, along with a couple of our team members, is getting started with proofreading the final manuscript. Additionally, Abbey will soon be sending off to print our galleys so we can send them out to that extensive list of reviewers we’re busy assembling.
We’re excited to start getting the word out there!