

This week saw the beginning of fall classes at PSU. It’s surreal to have the campus once again full of students. I got used to having the campus almost to myself during the summer. We are certainly excited to see all the new Ooligan members, though! Write to Publish has three members new to the program: Cora, Jacqueline, and Kellie. Tiffany is also back, excited to work on all the marketing outreach we need to do this quarter. Caitlin is also joining us this quarter, new to us but not new to the program. We are excited to have them all. I think this is the biggest group we’ve had so far!

We are searching for one last panelist for our Contracts and Rights panel, and one more workshop coordinator, and our programming will be complete. So close! I apologize that we don’t have it finished already. Melanie and I wanted to have programming completely finalized going into fall quarter, but are running just a tad later than we planned. We have more invites already out; hopefully we’ll hear back soon.

Tickets will go on sale very soon; we are simply waiting on approval from a department head and we will link to the website. College students and high school students are eligible for significant discounts; even if you aren’t a student, if you buy tickets early you will net a 20 percent saving. We also have tickets available for a single workshop or to see the keynote if there is just one subject that really catches your attention. If you haven’t checked it out yet, the Write to Publish website is live! We are poised to unleash all of our marketing plans and press releases into the world. We are more than a little excited about getting to this stage in the conference process after all the planning we’ve done so far.

Just a reminder, we do have an essay contest for high schoolers to win a free ticket to the conference. We are currently open for submissions. For more information, go to the Write to Publish website.

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