

Reflecting on the editing, design, production, publishing, marketing, and publicizing, of The Ghosts Who Travel With Me, Ooligan Press’s publisher Abbey Gaterud said it best: “Allison was so easy.” As budding publishing professionals, we have already been spoiled with the kind of self-sufficient, hard working, open-minded, enthusiastic, communicative author embodied by Allison—the kind of author we are told only comes along about every five or six years.

As our group members move forward with upcoming titles like Memories Flow in Our Veins and Siblings: Stories, we are tapering the twelve-week tail of marketing and promotion since Green’s June publication. We will continue to post to Ooligan’s social media platforms, promoting readings at Griffin Bay Bookstore in Friday Harbor on October 30, WordsWest in Seattle on November 18, and the University of Washington Bookstore on January 20. We also encourage you to follow Green’s ever-fresh and funny voice on her blog and her Facebook page.

We are signing out for our The Ghosts Who Travel With Me Start to Finish page, but please join us in continuing to read and fall in love with Allison Green. It has been an honor and a joy to work with an author like her, and maybe in five years when we are due for another, Green will find one of our group members at the publishing house they have moved on to. Fingers crossed.

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