

Friday marked the official pub date for Forgive Me If I’ve Told You This Before, and we couldn’t be more excited to see where the book goes from here. Even before the thirty-first, Amazon was shipping out pre-orders, and we’ve already started seeing reader reviews and ratings roll in—some of them from as far away as France. More and more readers have been adding the book to their “to-read” lists, and we plan to reach out to them this week to let them know the book is now available for purchase in stores and online from Powell’s,Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Indiebound.

Karelia is doing her part to get the word out by saying “yes” to interviews that come her way. She discussed her personal connection to the story and how she and Triinu aren’t exactly the same person with Late Night Library. She talked with one of the Oolies working on the book to answer questions for PDXX Collective. And finally (for now), she wrote a guest blog for Powell’s that will pop up any day now.

It’s impossible to talk to Karelia about Forgive Me without asking questions about the antigay Ballot Measure 9 that Oregon faced in the early 90s. If you’d like to learn more, she plans to address many of these questions, as well as how the battles fought then are so closely connected to those being fought now, during her official launch at Another Read Through on November 16th.

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